Regijski NVO center



ONE FAMILY prihajajo iz Milanske noise punk rock scene in delujejo že od druge polovice 90ih. Njihova glasba se giblje med stonerskimi grunge riffi in spevnim vokalom, vse do psihadelije distoržna in hitrih tempov hardcora.

One Family is an underground hard-core band born in the 1998, from the east-side Milan periphery! Grown within many influences like hard-core, metal, punk, noise, even grind-core & so on. The band is made by f...our members that are Berto(voices), Stefano(drums also for UNYOU-RECLUSIONE-Shandon-Loren),Carlo(guitars also for TAJSILK) & Roberto(bass)...we reached this formation through a slow process that brought us changing our attitude between old & new school, due to the insertion in the band of Stefano(grind & dark influences) & Carlo later on(metal & new school influences). One Family hc is composed also by two of four founding members that are Roby(Punch Line-ZHEROS) with his fast-rolling bass lines(noise-hardcore influences) and Berto(CUBRE-CORA-TAJSILK), the strong-grave&screamed voice of the band that gives the new school attitude to our music... We had many live experiences in hard-core festival,pub & social center & everywere people appreciate our angry music. With Spleen Flipper(Crema HC), we had reached three times the north-east cities of Germany through all kind of amazing situations, stage and people. We wanna thanks all the band we played with & our supporters...thanks to everyone. Now that you know something about us.....see you on live performances... - Hard-Core Rules -

Na njihovi turneji jih spremljajo Treviški ANARCOTICI.

Anarcotici were formed in 2000 and are a band from Treviso, Italy. Their sound initially is very closed to the punk-hardcore ( like bands "Indigesti" and "Negazione")with metal influences. The first self-produced demo "Resistenza" came out in 2001 supported by a small independent record company ; from this moment on, they started doing live shows, their songs are broadcasted on independent radios and included in compilation, fanzine and webzine. Later, the sound started turning into the post-hardcore and the noise ( even if the band doesen't identify with any music genre) due to the influence of several bands like Neurosis, Shellac, Willhaven, Isis, Nirvana, Joy Division, Radiohead, Breach, Converge.... . All this led to the album "IRIDE" of the 2005, which is produced and distributed by the VACATION HOUSE RECORDS of Rudy Meda (Indigesti) in 2006. The album was well received by the critics and from IRIDE was made the video of the homonymous song (made by MATERIA FOLLE PRODUZIONI). With the entry of the second guitar and the abandon of the bass guitar, the group reached an even more particular sound and started doing live shows again(recently the group opened the performances of Giorgio Canali, Le Luci Della Centrale Elettrica, etc..). Anarcotici's new album is " Io(non)CREDO ALLE FATE" which has, at the same time, an heavy and an acid sound...


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