Regijski NVO center


Usposabljanje v Makedoniji - Advanced Volunteer Managament

ponedeljek, 17.9.2012

Datum in ura: Četrtek, 20. 9. 2012
Lokacija: Makedonija in Črnomelj
Organizator: MC BIT

Youth Cultural Center – Bitola (YCC-Bitola), Mladinski center BIT in South East European Youth Network (SEEYN) vabijo na usposabljanje: Training Course for “Advanced Volunteer Management” (financira ga program Mladi v Akciji). 

Usposabljanje bo od 1 do 9 oktobra 2012 v Bitoli, Makedonija. Program financira 70% potnih stroškov in 100% akontacije usposabljanja in nastanitve.  

Poziv je namenjen udeležencem, ki so stari med 18 in 25 let, ki so aktivni v organizacijah in želijo pridobiti kompetence in veščine na prodročju naprednega menedžmenta prostovoljstva. Na pozivu bosta izbrana 2 udeleženca. 

Več informacij dobite na 070 550 718 (Klemen). V prijavnici vam ni potrebno izpolnjevati vseh odgovorov.

Poziv v angleščini: 
We strongly recommend and encourage you to send applications of your volunteer coordinators, managers and people that are directly involved with management of volunteers and have some previous experience.

Objectives of the training course:
- To gain competences for advanced volunteer management.
- To provide tools for implementing effective volunteer management system
- To provide young people with an opportunity to consider themselves as European citizens and to build European identity attending a mutual understanding between people in the society and across Europe.
- To share experience, good practice and expertise
- To increase social skills and personal development of participants
- To give an opportunity to contribute on local, national, regional and European level in order to promote volunteering and active participation of youth.
- To enable young people to respect national and individual differences and cultural diversities 

The detailed program of the training course is attached. The training will be delivered by team of experienced trainers from SEEYN trainers pool and guest speaker from CEV. 

The funding will ensure:
∙ 70% of travel costs;
∙ 100 % costs for board and lodging, training materials

Please find attached the registration forms, fill them out and send them back to us no later than Thursday 20th of September 2012. 


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