Regijski NVO center


Art Fusion - etno delavnice

torek, 7.6.2011

Zavod Voluntariat v času letošnjega poletja organizira mednarodni kulturni projekt Art Fusion. Vsi, ki vas zanima etno glasba, ste vabljeni, da se nam pridružite na mednarodnih delavnicah Art Fusion, ki bodo potekala v letošnjem poletju pod vodstvom glasbenega genija Boštjana Gombača!

Svojo prijavnico za udeležbo na tej odštekani glasbeni in kulturni izmenjavi med mladimi z Gane, Toga, Romunije in Slovenije nam pošljite do 15. 6. 2011 na naslov, kamor lahko naslovite tudi vsa morebitna dodatna vprašanja. Dosegljivi smo tudi na 031 81 39 39 ali na 01/23 91 625 (Urban).



Art Fusion project, co-funded by the European Commissions’ Youth in the World: Cooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries of the European Union program

Art Fusion project brings together organisations and young people from Ghana, Togo, Romania and Slovenia. The aim of this project is to engage participants from different cultural backgrounds in a global education process with the use of participative art methods, creativity workshops and musical pedagogy. Project fosters the development of social competences and participation of young people, with the emphasis on inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. They will act as promoters of active citizenship and youth participation and promote global solidarity as a tool for combating poverty and social exclusion in their local community.

Working methods in this project will be participative art pedagogy (with an emphasis on indigenous art, ethnical music and other traditional art forms) and global education tools, with a stress on intercultural dialogue between Africa and Europe.

Youth leaders and youth workers from each organisation will meet in the international training for trainers in Slovenia, where they will gain knowledge and develop methodological foundations for workshops on global education, creative pedagogy and participative arts, which they will later facilitate in local workshops in their home countries. After, the youth workers from partner organizations will facilitate local workshops for young people in each partner country. The young participants will start the global education process, discuss issues of poverty, social exclusion, sustainable development, Millennium Development goals, youth empowerment and active citizenship and through the use of participative art and creativity workshops exchange ideas and gather materials (indigenous music, instruments, crafts, information about local customs...) that they will later use and present in the youth exchange.

Twelve selected participants and the youth leaders will participate in a two weeks long youth exchange in Slovenia where they will present their local culture and indigenous art forms and exchange their knowledge and ideas that they discussed and developed during participation in local workshops.

The final promotional activity in the youth exchange will be an open event in August 2011, where participants will present different indigenous artistic forms and customs and within the framework of global education promote and strengthen the Euro-African dialogue and present the unifying aspect of global partnership through universal language of creativity, culture and art.

During the project we will film all stages and prepare a documentary film. The final performance will be also documented and this film will be used for a future dissemination of results and example of good practice of global education, creative pedagogy and participative arts. Indigenous music performances will be recorded and audio CD’s with presentations of different cultures will be produced.

The training and youth exchange will be mainly leaded by the famous Slovene musician Boštjan Gombač and accompanied by the trainers for global education, creative pedagogy and active citizenship.


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