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Mirovni inštitut vzpostavil portal »Izbrisani: Informacije in dokumenti«
torek, 17.7.2012
V letu, ko mineva 20. let od izbrisa iz registra stalnega prebivalstva, s katerim so leta 1992 slovenske oblasti 25.000 ljudem nezakonito odvzele pravni status, je Mirovni inštitut pripravil spletno stran s ključnimi informacijami o izvedbi izbrisa, depešah, s katerimi je bil ukazan, in njegovih posledicah. Poseben del spletne strani je namenjen pravni pomoči izbrisanim, ki na njem lahko najdejo obrazce in napotke za urejanje statusa v Sloveniji. Spletna stran z vsebinami v treh jezikih (slovenščini, angleščini in BHS) je namenjena izbrisanim ter slovenski in mednarodni javnosti.
At the 20th anniversary of the 'erasure' from the register of permanent residence, an act of authorities who in 1992 unlawfully deprived 25.000 people of their legal status, the Peace Institute set up a new website with key information about the erasure, internal instructions used to order the erasure, and its consequences. A special part of the website is dedicated to legal assistance for the erased people as it contains forms and guidelines for regularization of their legal status in Slovenia. This website with content in three languages (Slovenian, English and BHS) was set up to serve the erased people as well as domestic and international public.
Stran je dostopna na: http://www.mirovni-institut.si/izbrisani/