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Light up your ideas: The re-granting scheme 2017 is now open!
Predmet razpisa:
Within the LADDER project (www.ladder-project.eu), the consortium members develop & support activities in the field of development education and awareness raising.
This call for proposal is launched to support grass-root projects in the field of development education and awareness raising. The grants shall focus on micro projects that can produce specific results that will stand as examples and inspiration for citizens, NGOs and Local Authorities (LAs) on how to generate constructive and result-oriented activities.
These micro-projects should aim at raising public
awareness on global development issues (related to the Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs) and promoting
global citizenship/development education (see Development Education and Raising Awareness - DEAR programme),
which includes raising awareness and informing citizens, promoting engagement
in action(s) at local level & finally, changing attitudes regarding global
challenges & development matters) at the
grass-root level in the EU.
Upravičeni prijavitelj:
The grants for micro projects may be awarded to local authorities, NSAs (associations, community groups, civic initiative groups, citizens’ groups and all kind of civil society organizations).
1. Applicants which may request a sub-grant
In order to be eligible for a sub-grant, applicants must:
a) Be legal persons
b) Be non-profit making
c) Be a Non-State Actor or an association of NSAs, a Local Authority or an association of Las
d) Be established in a Member State of the EU
Be directly responsible for the preparation and
management of the action, not acting as an intermediary.
Znesek in deleži financiranja:
Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
MIN: 2,000.00 €
MAX: 6,000.00 €
Any grant requested under this Call for Proposals may not exceed the following maximum percentages of total eligible costs of the Action:
- Maximum percentage: 50% of the total eligible costs of the project proposal (total budget).
Funding (LADDER): up to 50% of the project budget proposal
Co-funding (beneficiary): min 50%
of the project budget proposal.
Rok prijave: 5. 3. 2017
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