Regijski NVO center

Arhiv razpisov


Instrument za predpristopno pomoč - IPA: Broadening the Network of Social Services in the Community

Rok prijave: 29. 8. 2011

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Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo in finance Republike Senegal: Appui aux ANE pour le renforcement de la gouvernance et la reduction de la pauvrete - Senegal

Rok prijave: 29. 8. 2011

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EuropeAid: Good Governance Country-Based Support Schemes - Myanmar

Rok prijave: 25. 8. 2011

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EuropeAid: Youth Empowerment through Arts and Culture Call for Proposals, launched by the EU Delegation in collaboration with the Department for Arts and Culture - South Africa

Rok prijave: 25. 8. 2011

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Socialna akademija: Fotografski natečaj na temo »Slodelujmo!«

Rok pošiljanja fotografij: 20. 8. 2011

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EuropeAid: Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development Non-State Actors - Liberia

Rok prijave: 19. 8. 2011

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Javni natečaj Naj spominek Kočevske 2011

Rok prijave: 16. 8. 2011

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EuropeAid: Mejoramiento de la calidad y del desarrollo tecnológico en Redes Empresariales de MIPYMES no agropecuarias Convocatoria Abierta de Propuestas - Nikaragva

Rok prijave: 15.8.2011

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Instrument for Stability: Peace-building Partnership Support for non-state actors capacity-building in Timor-Leste

Rok prijave: 15. 8. 2011

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U.S. Embassy Slovenia NGO Small Grants: Finančne spodbude nevladnim organizacijam ameriškega veleposlaništva v Republiki Sloveniji

Rok prijave: 15. 8. 2011

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