Regijski NVO center

Arhiv razpisov


Društvo slovenskih pisateljev: Javni razpis za štipendije iz naslova knjižničnega nadomestila

Rok prijave: 12. 8. 2011

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Instrument za predpristopno pomoč: Establishing Support in Social Inclusion and Employment of Disadvantaged and Marginalized Groups - Croatia

Rok prijave: 3.8. 2011

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European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR): Strengthening the role of civil society in promoting human rights and democratic reform - Lao PDR

Rok prijave: 1.8.2011

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EIDHR: EIDHR - Human rights defenders and enhancing human rights and fundamental freedoms in countries

Rok prijave: 1. 8. 2011

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Odkrij e-prostovoljstvo

Rok prijave: 31. 7. 2011

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Pripravljalni ukrep na področju športa: DG for Education and Culture

Rok prijave: 29. 7. 2011

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European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR): EIDHR - European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights - Costa Rica

Rok prijave: 29.7.2011

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EuropeAid: Non-State Actors in Development – Support to in-country interventions, Nepal

Rok prijave: 29. 7. 2011

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European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR): EIDHR - Country based support scheme - Paraguay

Rok prijave: 26. 7. 2011

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EuropeAid: IPA 2009 - Nacionalni program za Črno Goro - 2. razpis

Rok prijave: 18. 7. 2011

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