Regijski NVO center

Arhiv razpisov


EIDHR – European Union guidelines implementation on children and armed conflicts - Colombia

Rok prijave: 26. 7. 2012

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CIP - EIP - Support to transnational thematic tourism products as means of enhancing competitiveness and sustainability of European tourism - 2012

Rok prijave: 25. 7. 2012

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Si.mobil telekomunikacijske storitve, d. d.: Razpis »Mladi za mlade« za izbiro nevladne organizacije za namen podelitve sredstev, pridobljenih v okviru projekta Žur z razlogom

Rok prijave: 20. 7. 2012

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Javni razpis za sofinanciranje prireditev TVU in programov združenj ter asociacij s področja izobraževanja odraslih v letu 2012

Rok prijave: 20. 7. 2012

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European Instrument for Democracy & Human Rights (EIDHR) – Mexico

Rok prijave: 20. 7. 2012

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IPA: Support to the Integration and Voluntary Return of I/DPs and residents of Konik Camp - Montenegro

Rok prijave: 20. 7. 2012

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Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development – Actions in Swaziland 2011

Rok prijave: 18. 7. 2012

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Capacity Building for Non State Actors (NSAs) in Swaziland

Rok prijave: 18. 7. 2012

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Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development – Actions in Swaziland 2011

Rok prijave: 18. 7. 2012

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Integrated Programme to achieve Sustainable Food Security - Republic of Zimbabwe

Rok prijave: 16. 7. 2012

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