- Regijski
NVO center - Nevladne
organizacije - Novice
- Dogodki
- Izobraževanja
- Razpisi
- e-Knjižnica
- Zmorem sama
- E-novice
- Povezave
- Mladi
Koledar dogodkov
Arhiv razpisov
Horizon 2020: Integrating and Opening Research Infrastructures of European Interest
Rok prijave: 29. 3. 2017
Horizon 2020: Fostering the Innovation Potential of Research Infrastructures
Rok prijave: 30. 3. 2016 in 29. 3. 2017
Horizon 2020: Development and Long-Term Sustainability of new Pan-European Research Infrastructures
Rok prijave: 29. 3. 2017
Horizon 2020: E-infrastructures
Rok prijave: 30. 3. 2016 in 29. 3. 2017
Horizon 2020: Greening the Economy
Rok prijave: 7. 3. 2017
Horizon 2020: Blue Growth: Demonstrating an Ocean of Opportunities
Rok prijave: 14. 2. 2017
Horizon 2020: Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and Resource-Efficient Value Chains
Rok prijave: 14. 2. 2017
Horizon 2020: Engaging Together Globally
Rok prijave: 2. 2. 2017
Horizon 2020: Co-Creation for Growth and Inclusion
Rok prijave: 2. 2. 2017
Horizon 2020: Understanding Europe - Promoting the European Public and Cultural Space
Rok prijave: 2. 2. 2017